First public lecture in mochizuki, January 2020
MOACA: 気候変動についてコミュニティーで考え、取り組む
MOACA (Mochizuki AreKore Climate Action)は気候変動とその危機をコミュニティーで考え、いろんなスケールで行動に移す試みです。今世界で何が起きているかを知るレクチャー、我々が住む地域のゴミやプラスティック問題、あるいはこれから大きく変化するであろう機構に適用していくための「知恵」の共有や準備が主な活動です。私たちが住んでいる望月をベースに開かれた、多世代の試みです。
MOACAのお話では市民科学の視点からあれこれ大学の「先生」の一人でもあるロジャー マクドナルドが最新の気候変動に関する情報をスライドを通して紹介します。「市民科学」という言葉は1990年代に誕生し、気候変動問題に関して非常に強力な考え方になっています。緊急事態である今では一般市民も情報伝達やコミュニティーアクションのような重要な役割を果たせることです。ロジャーは2018年の初めから自分で気候変動に関する世界的関心に気付き、博士号で身につけた情報分析やプレゼンの能力を活かして、多くの最新科学や本を読んできました。思っていたより非常に厳しい現状の中に我々が生きていることを強く感じています。この現状を紹介し、今の生活はどのように変わるのかについてみなさんと考えていきます。小さな望月という町も広い世界と地球とつながっていて、我々はここでどう生きていきたいのか?
First public meeting in Mochizuki, January 2020
MOACA (Mochizuki AreKore Climate Action) is a community initiative formed in Mochizuki in 2019 to heighten awareness and action about the climate crisis. The founding members live in Mochizuki and have worked together as the Tsuki-Hito Project for some years (a women’s group engaged in community-building initiatives through miso-making, holding local markets, culture events and learning about local history).
Our primary action is to communicate and share the seriousness of the climate crisis through talks and discussions. We feel that there is a general lack of awareness (especially among politicians) about the gravity of climate change issues in Japan, although there is a growing citizens awareness happening at the local level. From learning about the latest science and sharing personal experiences and skills, we are engaged in community level actions around plastic waste, sustainable farming and passing on adaptation skills across generations and different fields. We utilize the idea of ‘citizen science’ to raise consciousness of the issues and mobilize community action.
In January 2020, just before Covid-19 hit, we held our first community discussion, to which over 50 people came. Roger McDonald presented a slide talk outlining the latest climate science, predictions and issues about Deep Adaptation. This was followed by a discussion sitting together in a large circle, where people freely shared their experiences of climate issues, everyday skills and concerns.
In February 2020 several members visited the Local Climate Change Adaptation Center in Shinshu (Nagano), to attend a lecture and discuss the impacts of climate change for our locality. Predictions by the Japan Meteorological Agency, various university research groups and Nagano prefecture all point to increases in annual mean temperatures, greater severity of rainfall and storms as well as major consequences for farming in Nagano within the next 10-50 years.
Due to Corona Virus, we have had to cancel all public events from March 2020 including planned talk discussions in Ueda, Sakuho and Miyota as well as presentations at Saku local Market and Saku Earth Day. We are planning online programs now.