The garden is on a forested South-West facing slope. Fenberger House, the Shankar Dome and our house are located here too.

The East Garden comprises a vegetable garden, fruit and berry trees, various hugelkultur beds and the compost shed. It is a working garden that feeds us. We use a no dig method of growing vegetables. Hugelkultur is a horticultural technique where a mound constructed from decaying wood debris (available in bulk in the surrounding forest) and other compostable biomass plant materials is planted as a raised bed. We use it on slopes to also act as swales that prevent soil erosion and retain water.

The Central Garden is a little more forested, and comprises the Children’s Garden, outdoor deck and Dome platform.

The West Garden surrounds Fenberger House, and comprises the Lower Terraces, Upper Terraces and the Tea Shed. Large parts of this garden remain largely undeveloped.


イーストガーデンは野菜、ベリーや果物で主にできています。斜面には「ヒューゲル床栽培」のベッドがあり、ここでも野菜や果物を育てています。コンポストずくりのこやもあります。「ヒューゲル床栽培」はドイツや東ヨーロッパで盛んにおこなわれてきた栽培床での農法で、まず下地に枯れ木、次に枯れ草を敷いてその上に土を被せて「ヒューゲル栽培床」(hugel bed)として、堆肥と水持ちを兼ねさせるやり方です。

